Arthurian Legend – According to Sinister Tradition



There is secret oral tradition regarding the person known as “King Arthur” which deserves recording. According to this tradition:

1. Arthur was a ‘Romano-British’ chieftain.

2. His wife was called Gonnore, and her father was a chieftain whose base was the fortified site now known as ‘old Oswestry’.

3. Arthur’s base – and thus “Camelot” – was the city of Viroconium (present day Wroxeter in Shropshire). This city was the capital of a prosperous and powerful warlord and British chieftain Vortigern (c.450 ev). It was also associated with the warlord Aznbrosius, who was of Roman descent. Arthur maintained a continuity and a certain style of life – ‘Romano-British’. He followed in the tradition of Vortigen and Ambrosius, being a powerful chieftain whose rule extended far. He flourished after Ambrosius – c. 500 ev.

4. Arthur and his people were pagans. Their beliefs were indigenous ones, connected with gods and goddesses.

5. Arthur fought many battles to secure his kingdom from rivals. Some of his battles were with invading tribes – for the most part, these new tribes settled peacefully into what is now England. There was more assimilation than there was conquest. [The idea of ‘barbarous hordes’ ruthlessly invading is a myth – created by later generations and part of a Nazarene indoctrination campaign].

6. One of his relatives – known under the later name of ‘Mordred’ – sided with some of his enemies (i.e. rival chieftains) and Arthur fought against him in battle in which he was badly wounded. The site of this battle was near the Camlad River and the modern Shropsire hamlet of Wotherton. Arthur returned to his stronghold via a lake called now ‘Marton Pool’, near Worthen (SW of Shrewsbury). At the time, this lake was an island – a mound containing a grove of trees. The place was regarded as sacred, and the waters were reputed to have healing powers. The island was an abode of a goddess, and a Priestess lived there. This was the ‘Lady of the Lake’. This mound still exists, although today it is not surrounded by water, as the Lake has shrunk to become a pool.

7. The ‘Merlin’ of legend was actually a pagan wise-man who was later adviser to Arthur. The abode of this person was the area around the west of Long Mynd.

8. After his final battle, Arthur returned mortally wounded to his city, where he was buried. Some time later, the city was peacefully evacuated, as it had become indefensible. A new stronghold was founded on a mound between a loop of the river Severn, and Arthur was re-buried here. This mound served as one of the seats of the King of Powys – much later a town grew up around it called Scrobbesbyrig. The town was later called Shrewsbury. One early name for this mound was said to be the ‘Hill of the Alders’. A Nazarene church now stands near the site of Arthur’s tomb.

9. Arthur’s “clan- symbol was a Dragon”.

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