David Myatt and Anton Long


” The ONA was meant to be amorphous, with many faces and tentacles; just like its maker was a man of many faces, whose influential tentacles stretched far and wide into many different organizations, institutions, Ways, ideologies, and even religions. Somewhere beneath the beard, the many names, and the many characters he becomes, he knows his true self. I personally see a beauty in the amorphous nature of Whatever his name is. The mystery of not knowing for sure what or who or why he is who he is. If we can admire Whatever his name is for this quality – his personal amorphous quest for personal enlightenment – then can we not see the same beauty and admiration in the variation of the ONA and it’s amorphous quality – its amorphous quest – the quest to bring us to our full potential? What does it matter what it looks like or is called, if in the end we end up fulfilling the same destiny set into motion long ago? “


Chloe WSA352 April 2009 CE




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