Archive for Evil

Satanism: The Epitome of Evil

Posted in O9A MSS with tags , , , , , on July 15, 2009 by cosmion


Let us not be mis-understood: genuine Satanists are evil. They question, seek to know, and they defy. They champion, advocate, and propagate – and most importantly live, as a way of defiance and ecstasy – whatever is genuinely heretical, or forbidden, in the societies of their times. They cause, and strive to cause, Chaos, disruption, revolution, and thus causal Change. They are the fomenters of, and the agents of, evil, of genuine darkness. They are adversarial; agents of genuine human evolution, which evolution only and ever arises from an acceptance of challenges and the application of the Sinister Dialectic: from the direct causal presencing of acausal darkness.

They cause harm, disaster, corruption, and death; they bring death – and sometimes, or often, before the due time to those deserving of such an early death: to those who have shown by their actions that they have a weak character or are a nuisnace, or a hindrance to the spread of darkness, to the creation of the new form of destruction, the change, of the old. Genuine Satanists are dangerous people to know; associating with them is a risk. Their psyche is contagious: and can break others, or bring them misfortune, or drive them toward inner breakdown or even madness.

Their Way, our Way – that of genuine Satanism – is the Way of the self-controlled individual, not the way of sycophancy to, or obedience to, some doctrine or some person or some creed; not the way of those in thrall to their desires, conscious or unconscious. Satanists do not seek to be “understood” nor accepted nor lauded by the majority, just as they are shapeshifters in character and way of life, who may use and often do so use some form, or some way of life for their own sinister, dialectical ends. Thus are they a genuine enigma, seldom appreciated, in their own life, for who and what they are and for what they have done and are doing.

Their deeds and goals – once they have learnt their trade and become professional, Masters and Mistresses of the Dark Arts – are not personal or undirected, causal, ones. Instead, their deeds are directed, intentional, often detached, and arise from their knowledge of, their understanding of, the Sinister Dialectic: of what is needed in the causal times in which they live; what is needed to radically disrupt, to challenge, to defy, to presence darkness and evil, and bring Chaos and the evolution that derives thereform. Thus do they, so causing Chaos, defy and break or seek to break the restrictive forms, structures, laws, and Institutions, that still hold people in thrall.

The way of ordinary life, of ordinary mortals, is the way of control, of restrictions; of authority, of a supra-personal law. It is the way of those forms, those abstractions – such as governments, and States and prisons and religions – which have been constructed to control, to restrict, to bully, to level-down, to enforce submission. The way of ordinary life, of ordinary un-evolved mortals, is the way of minimizing risk, the way of hypocrisy, of the lies and the deceit and the envy and jealousy born from weakness and cowardice and the dishonour of the bully. In direct contrast, the Path of the genuine Satanist is the difficult Dark Path of inner strength, of joining, being, opposites, and of going beyond opposites: the path of evolved human beings exemplified in one way by the openness of the fighting warrior who believes in their very being that the only genuine real law and real justice is the law, the justice, of personal honour, of a fair fight, of fair retribution, and of being responsible for oneself.

Thus is the Way of the Satanist, the Way of the Dark Warrior who, in real life in the real world, fights the tyranny of those who, weak of character, oppress: the Dark Warrior who fights all that oppresses and stifles our potential, and hinders our evolution into a higher race of human beings whose rightful place is among the star-systems of this, and other, Galaxies.

Order of Nine Angles, 119 Year of Fayen