Archive for Rite of Initiation

Triumph of the Will

Posted in Adeptship and Beyond with tags , , on July 8, 2009 by cosmion

Introduction: Initiation and the External Adept Rite.


The rite of External Adept is a culmination of all previous tasks; an ordeal which brings perspective and resolve, ending the novicate and having brought genuine initiation. Throughout the noviciate the Satanic novice undergoes several tests of experiences, challenging the consciousness to first uncover, and then integrate its shadow. On the magickal level, beginning with initiation the initiate commences working with the Tree of Wyrd, invoking each respective Dark God – calling on its energies to intrude upom him/her, often causing much unrest. Throughout the twenty-one invokations, undertaken during a period of twenty-one weeks, the initiate begins to learn to awaken those “dark” energies that are by their very existence a part of us. Often time this process, coupled up with various other tasks, will begin to break down any previous personal illusion, revealing only the potential that (for the initiated) lies usually dormant beneath the mundane concerns of everyday life.

Directly following the workings with the pathways, the Satanic novice begins workingss with the seven spheres – over seven weeks. The Sphereworkings continue the process brought on through iniation and the pathworkings, but often to extract a differing element of consciousness – bringing to a realization a more complete understanding of the bi-spherical energies invoked during the pathworkings. Eventually coming to an incommunicable understanding of each Sphere’s interrelation with and beyond the other Spheres – the “Harmony of Spheres,” an understanding that cannot be fully developed until well into the more advanced stages of the Seven-Fold Way. In truth, no energies can be experienced or understood in primal essence until the shell via which we originally come to understand them is done away with.

Throughout the various tasks set forth in the Dark Tradition, the novice begins to experience a genuine initiation. The Rite of Initiation is but a beginning  to this, as initiation is is really an organic process, which takes on a life of its own. Via this process of initiation, the novice should begin to develop truly Satanic character. If one has not undergone this process with self-honesty, such character cannot be developed. “Going through the motions” is not initiation.

By the time an initiate is ready to undertake the Grade Ritual of External Adept, they will have experienced several personal dilemmas in relation to the tradition. Overcoming these dilemmas prepares the initiate for advancement into the next stage for advancement into the next stage of their development along the Seven-Fold Way. Most initiates however, do not make it far enough to even attempt the Grade Ritual of External Adept, having found whatever illusions or excuses they’ve been presented with perfectly reasonable. Thus are the Satanists separated from those with lesser will.

The Grade Ritual:

The grade ritual of External Adept, completes initiate/noviciate – and is in itself a genuine initiatoryinto the Dark Tradition, as it requires the character befitting only of genuine Satanists. It is really the climax of a larger ritual – a ritual begun with the rite of initiation, and continued through the path and sphere workings. The previous tasks the novice has met, looking to the ordeal of external Adept, are prerequisite. For one to emerge their impending ordeal as an External Adept requires the brutal honesty of genuine initiation – which is only completed by the rite itself. Without such brutal self-honesty, and without the Satanic character genuine initiation breeds, one cannot achieve this next stage in their development.The rite itself is of simple form, yet difficult to achieve. The location for the rite should be chosen in advance, and some trouble should be gone in finding the appropriate location. A genuine initiate will know when they have found the right site, or made the right choice. Just as a genuine initiate should know when the time is right for the ritual. Even the choosing of the site is a test; a testin which only the gods will determine the outcome. Let your intuition guide you, and spend some time at the site. It must be numinous, it must be a place where you feel particularly attuned to the natural world. a place where your footsteps are welcome, but your industry is not. The location should be an isolated hilltop, devoid of trees, where you will have a clear view of the stars. If in an area where an isolated hilltop cannot be found, a natural clearing within a forest may be used. The location should leave for no chance of human interruption.

The ritual should be undertaken on the night of the new moon, or on another suitably sacred day. A clear night, whence you can see the stars is best. Once a night is decided upon for the rite, you’re only allotted one change. If the conditions are not favorable, you may choose another night – once.  Some rain, cold temperatures, etc. are to be expected. They are a necessary part of the rite, since in undertaking the rite you you are committing yourself to a test of will – once the decision is made you are subject to whatever torment the gods bring you…Dressed in all black, or specific ceremonial attire (not consisting of a robe), you should bring nothing with you – save for a tetrahedron of Quartz.

The ritual may be formally commenced by chanting the Diabolus, holding the Tetrahedron with both hands outstretched before you, looking toward the setting sun. After this, you are required to lay on the ground with your head east. You must remain there, without moving or falling asleep, from dusk until dawn. During the rite think of the tasks previously undertaken, revelant personal or magickal relationships, and your future along the Seven-Fold Way. Once you are clear in your thoughts shift your attention toward the stars, identifying any constellations you’re familiar with, watching them make their way through the sky. Let yourself begin to understand the cosmos, far away worlds, and the potential the cosmic being has graced us with, to which we must fulfill. Let the stars guide your thoughts, and let them exist as they really are. As dawn breaks, bow to the rising sun and having completed the rite, leave the site.

The task is not an easy one, it is one which takes tremendous willpower. Failure is not an option, there is no second chance. Successful completion of the rite requires self-honesty: if you fall asleep or move for instance, the rite is void. There are several factors which are likely to play into the rite. a mist may take the entire sky, obscuring the stars and leaving you with nothing to focus on, making it increasingly difficult to stay awake. You may be disturbed by wild animals (particularly if the rite is undertaken in a clearing in a forest), bitten by bugs, spiders, and so on. You may experience cold and windy weather or rain. All these things and more may occur, and when they do you have nothing but sheer will to get you through the rite.

Traditionally, all who have gone on to progress further along the Septenary path have completed this rite on the first try. Failure is unheard of. One either has the desire, the will to complete the ordeal, or one does not. One has either undergone genuine Satanic initiation, or one has not. One either possesses the character befitting of a Satanist, or one must deal with failure. Again, the rite must be completed on the first try, regardless of whatever may occur during the course of the rite.


The successful triumph over the ordeal is a gateway between the stages of initiate and External Adept. Emerging as an External adept does not happen by circumstance, nor by simply completing the rite. The initiate should know they arekalready becoming an External Adept before the rite proper. The impending tasks should begin to presence themselves naturally via the momentum gained through the initiation. One should already be well aware of where they are taking themselves beyond the rite. The grade ritual itself is the final feat necessary to complete before fully delving into the impeding tasks of an External Adept. It is the deciding factor of initiation.

Thus has the genuine initiation taken place, and thus does the External Adept begin on another long road in their development – through more difficult and testing ordeals, changing themselves and the world in the process.


-Thornian, O9A-